Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cold is Sad

Hello guys!
Is my first day trying to be healthier and I think that things did not start well :(
It's raining and it's cold outside so I didn't want to go out, instead I'm in my pj's watching twilight the movie and reading new moon (yes i'm a little addicted :) lol)
My mom is here but I feel a little lonely, 3 years ago when i was ed-free i used to go out everyday and had lots of friends but know i think i can count my friends with one hand, that's not bad but you know :(
I feel like I made lots of bad choices food wise and I don't think my photos are good enough for my blog
Breakfast:1/2 cup of honey nut cheerios+1/4 banana+ skim milk and coffee (why can I have my cereal in a real bowl? not in a tiny cup?) i hate ed
Snack:1/2 orange (again with the halfs :/)
Lunch: Leftover crab salad with real mayo and carrots+dietcoke
Snack:1/2 red apple
Dinner: Strawberry-banana smoothie+coffee+dietcoke(yes again+more honey nut cheerios
I feel like i did bad today :(
Now that i reached my healthy weight I feel like I will keep gaining weight if i continue eating "normal" what should I do?

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I panic about eating "normally" - well, for me I eat a normal amount of calories, but I only do so because I am compulsively exercising, my concern is, if I stop exercising, I'll gain weight!

    So, to counter that, whenver I panic, I remind myself of two things.
    a.) NORMAL people eat roughly 2000-2200 calories a day often without working out and MAINTAIN.
    b.) your body needs to reach its "happy weight" - a weight that you can easily maintain without too much work, while eating healthy and exercising WITHIN REASON. It's also called a happy weight because you'll be a happier more social person at that weight ;)

    stay strong! you are doing well!
