Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday morning rain is falling!

Yes i used to listen to Maroon 5 :)
The weather it's awesome! 64° and no sun or rain!
This morning i woke up STARVING and craving something salty! That's weird for me I usually have cereal the easiest thing ever haha :) But we didn't have NOTHING in my house! I went to a kind of a circle k/7-11 for some kind of bread but the store didn't have bread! I came back and ate oatmeal cookies seriously we don't have anything!

I also had a big horchata made with skim milk. I love horchata! This was a fear drink actually all I could drink was water, diet coke and sugarfree drinks. That is progress right?

I think i will go to buy some food with mom because my fridge is empty! seeyou:)


  1. You've never had almond butter!? Honey let me send you some! I should look up the rules regarding sending food across the border first, but if it permits me to, I'd be happy to send you a jar!

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